#IndieGrindSpotlight - #IndieMusicReviewSession

Thursday, February 28, 2019

#IndieGrindSpotlight On Shinobi Ninja 'Bless Up' (Full Visual Album)

Shinobi Ninja is a genre-twisting band with an explosive live show from Brooklyn, NY. Formed in 2008 by friends and colleagues, the group’s six diverse characters create a unique sound as they mash-up Pop, Hip-Hop, Metal and Punk. With their music and DIY ethic, they’ve since developed into a national rock act with a grassroots following built from non-stop touring, recording and social networking.
Before the band, each member had respective careers in the music industry. Vocalist, Duke Sims., had been a busy NYC musician, producer, and engineer at Progressive Studios. Vocalist, Baby G, who worked as a singer and dancer for major label artists like Rihanna, Diddy, Cassie, and Santigold, was a fixture in the vocal master class held at Progressive by esteemed vocalist, Craig Derry of the Sugarhill Gang. Twin brothers- guitarist, Maniak Mike and, drummer, Terminator Dave ran The Sound Machine, a recording studio where they produced their projects and other artists. Alien Lex worked as an engineer at the Sound Machine. DJ Axis, an accomplished battle and club DJ, played in bands with Mike and Dave. After two years of making a living together at Progressive Studios and The Sound Machine, this group of eclectic musicians decided to combine influences and formed Shinobi Ninja in March 2008 & the Rest Is History!!!
Read More About The Journey of this amazing group on their facebook page.
 I have been friends with the group & they have been part of my network since I came to Twitter in 2009. Watching them climb the ladder of success has been very inspiring & it's a truly awesome experience to know them.

'Bless Up' (Full Visual Album)

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