#IndieGrindSpotlight - #IndieMusicReviewSession

Saturday, December 22, 2018

#IndieGrindSpotlight on @Doughphresh Da Don New #MusicVideo 'CRAZY WORLD'


What distinguishes the Emcee from the rapper? 
It’s very simple really. 
The Emcee lives and breathes Hip-Hop culture. 
The Rapper lives for himself. 
The Emcee Seeks to elevate his skill through disciplined training. 
The rapper believes he has no more to learn. 

Doughpresh Da Don is an Emcee. 
Dough wrote his first rhyme at the age of 5. His big brother Supreme R.A. helped to light the fire that would consume his every waking thought: 
“Become the best" 
Never one to back down from a battle, Doughphresh Da Don continues to sharpen his lyrical sword on any unsuspecting rapper who‘s willing to take the abuse. Doughphresh Da Don means no dis-respect to those who represent Hip-Hop culture and it’s values to the fullest. But for those who use Hip-Hop as a means to get rich quick, and leave nothing of substance behind, Doughphresh Da Don says :
“All disrespect intended” 

Follow @Doughphresh On Twitter 

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